Developer Contributions SPD

We want new development to help to deliver the infrastructure required to ensure that the Borough is a great place to live, work and relax.

Infrastructure includes things like schools, sports pitches, health centres, transport and waste facilities.

Money collected through new developments will be used to pay for Borough-wide infrastructure. For example, recent monies collected have been used to fund a successful parks improvement programme, deliver new health centres and improve Lea Bridge Library.

This guidance will replace the Borough’s existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), to ensure that our approach is up to date. It will link to the Borough’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, which detail the Borough’s current and future infrastructure priorities alongside new development.

The Developer Contributions SPD is supported by the four principles of exemplar design, which have been used to develop all of the planning guidance documents.

How can you get involved?

This consultation closed on 6 August 2023 however you will have a further opportunity to provide feedback when the draft SPD is published for statutory consultation.

We want new development to help to deliver the infrastructure required to ensure that the Borough is a great place to live, work and relax.

Infrastructure includes things like schools, sports pitches, health centres, transport and waste facilities.

Money collected through new developments will be used to pay for Borough-wide infrastructure. For example, recent monies collected have been used to fund a successful parks improvement programme, deliver new health centres and improve Lea Bridge Library.

This guidance will replace the Borough’s existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), to ensure that our approach is up to date. It will link to the Borough’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, which detail the Borough’s current and future infrastructure priorities alongside new development.

The Developer Contributions SPD is supported by the four principles of exemplar design, which have been used to develop all of the planning guidance documents.

How can you get involved?

This consultation closed on 6 August 2023 however you will have a further opportunity to provide feedback when the draft SPD is published for statutory consultation.