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Dunedin Area Improvements: Perception survey

In this survey we'll ask you about:

- Your connection to the area

- The mode of transport you use the most

- How you feel about traveling in and spending time in the area

- What we can do to help more people walk, cycle and wheel locally.

After you've completed this survey, please take part in Step 2. 

Select option

Maximum 255 characters



What mode of transport do you use to travel to work most days? Please tick one.

* required

What mode of transport do you use for most of your non-work journeys? Please tick one.

* required
It is safe and easy to cycle in the area.
It is safe and easy to walk in the area.
I like the look and feel of the area.
It is easy to access nearby public transport from the area.
I am concerned about my personal safety/crime in the area.
It is busy and congested with motorised vehicles in the area.
Motorised vehicles speed in the area.
Changes to traffic management are needed in the area.