What is a modal filter?

    A modal filter is a physical barrier such as a planter, gate or bollards installed at key locations to stop motorised vehicles from driving through, while allowing people who walk and cycle to pass.

    Modal filters are used to stop motorists using the area to bypass the main roads. All properties on the road remain accessible for residents, emergency services, and deliveries.

    What is a bike hangar?

    Bike hangars are secure on-street, cycle parking storage units for local residents. One bike hangar takes up only half a car parking space and can store up to six standard bikes, making them an efficient alternative to parking a car. To find out more, visit out website.

    What are continuous footways/blended crossings?

    Continuous footways/blended crossings slow down vehicles entering or exiting side roads and encourage vehicles to give way to pedestrians crossing the road, reinforcing the rules of the Highway Code. These crossings are commonplace in mainland Europe and have been introduced extensively over the last 20-25 years, particularly in cities and countries that are considered the best places for walking and cycling, including Holland, Denmark and Germany. Over the last 10 years we have introduced over 200 continuous footways in Waltham Forest.

    What is a pocket park?

    Pocket parks are small areas of public green space where people can relax, exercise, socialise and play.

    What are car club bays?

    A car club is a car-sharing network that provides an easy, cheap, and environmentally friendly alternative to owning a car. A car club vehicle is parked near where you live, ready for hire when you need it. Car clubs help to reduce the number of private vehicles on the road as users often choose to give up a private vehicle or not to purchase a new car. This helps to free up parking spaces and reduce CO2 emissions. To read more about car club bays, visit our website.

    What are electric vehicle charging points?

    Electric vehicle charging points provide power to charge cars and vans that run on electricity. Electric vehicle ownership in Waltham Forest is growing quickly, and the council is working to ensure it is as convenient as possible to transition to using an EV. We have three types of EV chargers in the borough: residential lamp column, fast free standing, and rapid. To read more about electric vehicle charging points, visit our website.

    What are traffic calming measures?

    Traffic calming measures reduce the speed of traffic and improve safety. Common examples include speed cushions, speed humps, road narrowings and raised platforms at junctions.

    What is the difference between a one-way road and a two-way road?

    A two-way road means vehicles can travel in both directions, while traffic on a one-way road can only travel in one direction. Benefits of two-way roads include better local access and slower vehicle speeds. It also allows cyclists to travel in both directions, making it easier for cyclists to reach their destination via the shortest route.

    What does ‘safer crossing points’ mean?

    Crossings provide safer places for pedestrians and cyclists to cross busy roads. They can take the form of:

    • An entry treatment or Continuous Footway/Copenhagen Crossing
    • Informal crossings such as simple pedestrian islands or locations where the pavement is widened to reduce the crossing distance
    • Formal crossings such as Zebra crossings or signals.