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Banner advertising an app to report harassment - to download go to your app store and search Waltham Forest Safe Streets

Street harassment experiences in Waltham Forest



As part of our future anti-street harassment campaign we’d like to use anonymous quotes from responses to this survey in artwork alongside strong, colourful imagery. We would like to display this artwork in public places around the borough with the aim of raising awareness of street harassment and the impact it can have on people being harassed - particularly women and girls. Through the campaign we want to empower people experiencing harassment to report it and access support; discourage potential harassers from doing so; and encourage take up of anti-harassment services such as our reporting app and Violence Against Women and Girls support team.

Your responses are anonymous and cannot be linked back to you personally. We will not use quotes where individual names, places of work or education are mentioned, or where specific details have been provided. 

Do you consent to your responses being considered for use in our campaign? 

* required

Which of the following best describes your gender?

* required

Street harassment includes unwanted comments, gestures, or acts directed at someone in a public space without their consent. Have you ever experienced street harassment?

Maximum 255 characters
