Leyton High Road Business Feedback

Tell us about your business

We want to hear from existing businesses in and around Leyton High Road on what they are interested in, challenges they are facing and how they might be better supported.

We’ll use your feedback to start to think about ways the Council might work with and facilitate partnerships between businesses in the area. An example of this might be forming a group to chat about things important to local businesses.

This is just the first step in understanding what is important to businesses in the local area, and there will be more opportunities to for businesses to get involved.

Fill in a survey

Click the survey tab at the bottom of the page and share your feedback with us by Monday 6 January 2025.

You can contact us by emailing regeneration@walthamforest.gov.uk

Tell us about your business

We want to hear from existing businesses in and around Leyton High Road on what they are interested in, challenges they are facing and how they might be better supported.

We’ll use your feedback to start to think about ways the Council might work with and facilitate partnerships between businesses in the area. An example of this might be forming a group to chat about things important to local businesses.

This is just the first step in understanding what is important to businesses in the local area, and there will be more opportunities to for businesses to get involved.

Fill in a survey

Click the survey tab at the bottom of the page and share your feedback with us by Monday 6 January 2025.

You can contact us by emailing regeneration@walthamforest.gov.uk