Local Heritage List - Nominations

Please note, the nomination window is now closed.

We want your nominations for buildings to add to the Local Heritage List. If you know of a site that has architectural, historical or cultural significance within the borough, please follow the short form below to make a nomination.

We'll review all the nominations received against the selection criteria, and those that are successful will be added to the updated Local Heritage List, which will be published in summer 2024.

The nomination form will guide you through the process and tell you what information needs to be provided.

Click here for more detail on the selection criteria.

Before making a nomination we strongly encourage you to look at both the existing local list and Historic England's statutory list, to see if your nomination is already featured.

Click here for the existing Local Heritage List (2012).

Click here for Historic England's statutory list.

If the property is already on the existing local list it doesn't need to be nominated again. If a property is on Historic England's statutory list then it won't be eligible for inclusion on the local list, as buildings cannot be on both lists and statutory listing takes precedence.

Please note, the nomination window is now closed.

We want your nominations for buildings to add to the Local Heritage List. If you know of a site that has architectural, historical or cultural significance within the borough, please follow the short form below to make a nomination.

We'll review all the nominations received against the selection criteria, and those that are successful will be added to the updated Local Heritage List, which will be published in summer 2024.

The nomination form will guide you through the process and tell you what information needs to be provided.

Click here for more detail on the selection criteria.

Before making a nomination we strongly encourage you to look at both the existing local list and Historic England's statutory list, to see if your nomination is already featured.

Click here for the existing Local Heritage List (2012).

Click here for Historic England's statutory list.

If the property is already on the existing local list it doesn't need to be nominated again. If a property is on Historic England's statutory list then it won't be eligible for inclusion on the local list, as buildings cannot be on both lists and statutory listing takes precedence.