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Photographs of the new garden

Sign up to be a part of a group that helps look after the new garden

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Sign up to be a part of a group that helps look after the new nature garden

Your consent 

Your data for this project is managed by a small team at Waltham Forest Council. 

Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and only used for the stated purpose, in line with Data Protection legislation.  

This survey asks for your email address so we can contact you if you are interested in being a part of a group that helps look after the nature garden. Please note the Council will also be involved in maintaining the garden.

Your email address will not be shared with any third parties and we will only use your email address to contact you about the group. 

Your email address will be kept for the duration of the implementing the project, and for two years following this whilst trying to establish the group. You can ask to stop being contacted and for your email address to be deleted at any time by emailing  

By completing this survey you consent to us processing the data for the above purpose. 

For more information about how the Council processes your data please refer to our Privacy Policy. 
View this website's Privacy Policy 
View the London Borough of Waltham Forest's Corporate Privacy Notice (External link) 
View the London Borough of Waltham Forest's Survey Privacy Notice  (External link)  
View Bang the Table's Privacy Policy (External link)  

If you have any queries about the use of your data or to withdraw your consent at anytime, please email: (External link)     

For further information about the Council's privacy policy and related information practices, or to access or correct your personal information, or to make a complaint, please email: (External link)