Retrofit & Residential Alterations SPD

High quality alterations to residential properties can benefit residents, their families, the local area and the environment.

We know residents of the Borough may want to alter their homes for their changing needs. These alterations can be made in ways that consider family life, local character, the Climate Emergency, energy efficiency and fuel costs. Our aim is to provide clear guidance to make the process of making beneficial home alterations as simple as possible.

This Retrofit and Residential Alterations SPD is supported by the four principles of exemplar design, which have been used to develop all of the planning guidance documents.

How can you get involved?

This consultation closed on 6 August 2023 however you will have a further opportunity to provide feedback when the draft SPD is published for statutory consultation.

High quality alterations to residential properties can benefit residents, their families, the local area and the environment.

We know residents of the Borough may want to alter their homes for their changing needs. These alterations can be made in ways that consider family life, local character, the Climate Emergency, energy efficiency and fuel costs. Our aim is to provide clear guidance to make the process of making beneficial home alterations as simple as possible.

This Retrofit and Residential Alterations SPD is supported by the four principles of exemplar design, which have been used to develop all of the planning guidance documents.

How can you get involved?

This consultation closed on 6 August 2023 however you will have a further opportunity to provide feedback when the draft SPD is published for statutory consultation.