South Leytonstone Area Framework

The South Leytonstone Area Framework is now published! Discover the Framework by downloading it from the links on the right of this page, or visit us at the Langthorne Park Festival on 8 June to find out more.

Keep reading to learn more about the latest on the Area Framework, what it means for South Leytonstone and how your feedback is starting to influence some exciting local projects in the area.

What is the South Leytonstone Area Framework?

The London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Local Plan Part 1 identifies South Leytonstone as a Strategic Location, where a significant increase in housing, local jobs and community infrastructure is expected until 2035.

The South Leytonstone Area Framework aims to help create a fairer and more equal neighbourhood and realise local benefits of potential development and investment. This includes better connections to transport and neighbouring areas and facilities, and improvements to high streets, parks, public spaces and making people feel safer.

Based on the feedback we received through a series of engagement activities in 2021 and 2022, we have identified a range of potential projects to deliver improvements that helps achieve our missions in Waltham Forest.

How can you get involved?

As projects progress, there will be lots of opportunities to feedback and help shape where you live. Sign up to our newsletter to stay tuned.

We also want to hear about any projects or activities people are involved with locally and explore opportunities for support and collaboration. If there is a project or something you're working on which you'd like to let us know about, please contact us by e-mailing:

The South Leytonstone Area Framework is now published! Discover the Framework by downloading it from the links on the right of this page, or visit us at the Langthorne Park Festival on 8 June to find out more.

Keep reading to learn more about the latest on the Area Framework, what it means for South Leytonstone and how your feedback is starting to influence some exciting local projects in the area.

What is the South Leytonstone Area Framework?

The London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Local Plan Part 1 identifies South Leytonstone as a Strategic Location, where a significant increase in housing, local jobs and community infrastructure is expected until 2035.

The South Leytonstone Area Framework aims to help create a fairer and more equal neighbourhood and realise local benefits of potential development and investment. This includes better connections to transport and neighbouring areas and facilities, and improvements to high streets, parks, public spaces and making people feel safer.

Based on the feedback we received through a series of engagement activities in 2021 and 2022, we have identified a range of potential projects to deliver improvements that helps achieve our missions in Waltham Forest.

How can you get involved?

As projects progress, there will be lots of opportunities to feedback and help shape where you live. Sign up to our newsletter to stay tuned.

We also want to hear about any projects or activities people are involved with locally and explore opportunities for support and collaboration. If there is a project or something you're working on which you'd like to let us know about, please contact us by e-mailing: