About you, about Walthamstow
This survey is for those who live, work of visit Walthamstow to experience culture and creativity. It should take 5-10 minutes to fill in and there are two main sections: ‘About Walthamstow’ and ‘About You’.
Thank you so much for your time in helping us to support and promote culture in Walthamstow, and don’t forget to check out the SHOW US ON THE MAP and SHARE YOUR IDEAS sections.
The purpose of this study is to understand creative or cultural activity, particularly in Walthamstow, by speaking to people living, working and playing in the town centre. At the end of this survey you will be asked a series of questions, some of which are about demographics as age, ethnicity, or whether you have a mental or physical disability, with also the opportunity to end the survey without sharing them. The reason we ask these questions is so we can better understand the needs of all residents within the borough. All data is controlled under diligent processes in accordance to UK GDPR regulations. For more information, please see the ‘How we use your data’ page.