Leyton Mills SPD

Waltham Forest Council, in collaboration with the London Legacy Development Corporation, has prepared a draft Leyton Mills Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide guidance on how the area could develop over the next 15 years as an inclusive and sustainable neighbourhood that is accessible to all.

Statutory Consultation on the Leyton Mills Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) ran until Sunday 14 April 2024. The consultation has now closed. The Leyton Mills SPD was adopted by Waltham Forest Council on 9 July 2024.

Follow the links below to read the draft Leyton Mills SPD.

Background to the SPD

In order to draft the SPD, the London Borough of Waltham Forest has been engaging with landowners, ecologists, architects, developers, community members and businesses to establish a vision for how the Leyton Mills area could be developed over the next 15 years.

The area covered by the SPD includes four key sites:

  1. New Spitalfields Market;
  2. Leyton Mills Retail Park;
  3. Temple Mills Bus Depot;
  4. Eton Manor in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

Two of the sites (Temple Mills and Eton Manor) currently fall within the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) area for planning purposes so the Council have worked closely with them in the preparation of the Leyton Mills SPD.

The SPD will ensure that these sites are developed in a joined-up way to achieve our aims for better green spaces that reduce flood risk and respond to the Climate Emergency, improved transport and connectivity, improved air quality, new jobs and cultural destinations and high-quality sustainable homes.

Vision and key themes for Leyton Mills

The vision for the Leyton Mills area is summarised across four themes, which have been used to guide the structure and content of the draft SPD:

What has happened so far?

To guide the writing of the Leyton Mills SPD the council appointed a consultant team to prepare Leyton Mills Development Framework following a first phase of public engagement in 2021.

Last summer we consulted again asking for your thoughts on the key vision principles in the Framework and what you would like to see in the Leyton Mills SPD. This consultation took place alongside five other SPD documents being created by the council. We want to thank you for your comments which have helped shape the Leyton Mills SPD. A summary of the engagement is set out below:

Engagement in 2021 as part of the Development Framework

Engagement in 2023 as part of the Planning Guidance consultation

What you told us, and what we did

We have recorded comments throughout our ongoing engagement as part of developing this guidance. This valuable feedback has informed the draft SPD. Here are some of the key things you told us, and how we addressed these in the draft SPD:

Waltham Forest Council, in collaboration with the London Legacy Development Corporation, has prepared a draft Leyton Mills Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide guidance on how the area could develop over the next 15 years as an inclusive and sustainable neighbourhood that is accessible to all.

Statutory Consultation on the Leyton Mills Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) ran until Sunday 14 April 2024. The consultation has now closed. The Leyton Mills SPD was adopted by Waltham Forest Council on 9 July 2024.

Follow the links below to read the draft Leyton Mills SPD.

Background to the SPD

In order to draft the SPD, the London Borough of Waltham Forest has been engaging with landowners, ecologists, architects, developers, community members and businesses to establish a vision for how the Leyton Mills area could be developed over the next 15 years.

The area covered by the SPD includes four key sites:

  1. New Spitalfields Market;
  2. Leyton Mills Retail Park;
  3. Temple Mills Bus Depot;
  4. Eton Manor in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

Two of the sites (Temple Mills and Eton Manor) currently fall within the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) area for planning purposes so the Council have worked closely with them in the preparation of the Leyton Mills SPD.

The SPD will ensure that these sites are developed in a joined-up way to achieve our aims for better green spaces that reduce flood risk and respond to the Climate Emergency, improved transport and connectivity, improved air quality, new jobs and cultural destinations and high-quality sustainable homes.

Vision and key themes for Leyton Mills

The vision for the Leyton Mills area is summarised across four themes, which have been used to guide the structure and content of the draft SPD:

What has happened so far?

To guide the writing of the Leyton Mills SPD the council appointed a consultant team to prepare Leyton Mills Development Framework following a first phase of public engagement in 2021.

Last summer we consulted again asking for your thoughts on the key vision principles in the Framework and what you would like to see in the Leyton Mills SPD. This consultation took place alongside five other SPD documents being created by the council. We want to thank you for your comments which have helped shape the Leyton Mills SPD. A summary of the engagement is set out below:

Engagement in 2021 as part of the Development Framework

Engagement in 2023 as part of the Planning Guidance consultation

What you told us, and what we did

We have recorded comments throughout our ongoing engagement as part of developing this guidance. This valuable feedback has informed the draft SPD. Here are some of the key things you told us, and how we addressed these in the draft SPD: