Improvements to Markhouse Corner

Take a look at the final design proposals for how we might improve some of the spaces in and around Markhouse Corner in Lea Bridge.

As part of feedback on the Lea Bridge Area Framework you told us you’d like to see improvements to the Markhouse Corner area as well as things like more planting, community greening projects, public art and support for local businesses in Lea Bridge.

We reviewed these responses alongside feedback to other engagement on Markhouse Corner carried out in previous years and commissioned a design team to come up with some early ideas for improvements including introducing new greening.

Last summer we asked for feedback from local residents, businesses and community groups on these suggestions to help us develop the designs for the project.

The final design proposals

We’ve been using your responses to help us progress the final designs proposals which we are now ready to share with you. You can take a look at them on this page.

If you have any questions about this project you can also contact us by emailing

View the engagement boards to see the final design proposals

Take a look at the final design proposals for how we might improve some of the spaces in and around Markhouse Corner in Lea Bridge.

As part of feedback on the Lea Bridge Area Framework you told us you’d like to see improvements to the Markhouse Corner area as well as things like more planting, community greening projects, public art and support for local businesses in Lea Bridge.

We reviewed these responses alongside feedback to other engagement on Markhouse Corner carried out in previous years and commissioned a design team to come up with some early ideas for improvements including introducing new greening.

Last summer we asked for feedback from local residents, businesses and community groups on these suggestions to help us develop the designs for the project.

The final design proposals

We’ve been using your responses to help us progress the final designs proposals which we are now ready to share with you. You can take a look at them on this page.

If you have any questions about this project you can also contact us by emailing

View the engagement boards to see the final design proposals

  • June 2024 Update

    Last year we shared the final design proposals for improving some of the spaces in and around Markhouse Corner. The designs have been informed by residents, businesses and community groups and we would like to thank everyone again for sharing their feedback.

    We’ll be back in touch later this summer to provide an update ahead of the works. To prepare for the improvements, the small Silver Birch tree located on the green space outside of The Clock café will be moved and incorporated as part of the new Nature Garden at Perth Road in the next few weeks.

    If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing

    Learn about the new Nature Garden at Perth Road

  • Join a storytelling workshop to help create public art at Markhouse Corner

    Do you live at or go to Markhouse Corner in Lea Bridge? It's time to celebrate your stories!

    We want to explore the history and your memories of the area to help shape an artist’s brief for public art at Markhouse Corner.

    Bring along photos, objects or memories to a workshop to share your stories that celebrate our area.

    Join us at Lea Bridge Library, E10 7HU on:

    • Thursday 29 June anytime between 4.30pm and 7pm (for 16-25 year-olds)
    • Saturday 1 July anytime between 12.30pm and 3.30pm (open to all)

    There will also be future opportunities to get involved.

    To register your place, book online via the links below or email including the date of the session you’d like to attend.

    Register to attend workshop for 16-25 year-olds (external link)

    Register to attend workshop open to all (external link)

  • Digging trial pits at Markhouse Corner

    Last year Waltham Forest Council commissioned a design team to come up with some early ideas on how we might improve some of the spaces in and around Markhouse Corner in Lea Bridge and introduce new greenery.

    We asked for feedback from residents, businesses and community groups on these suggestions to help us develop the designs for the project. We’ve been using your feedback to help us progress the final designs, which we hope to be able to show you in the next few months!

    As a part of the improvements, we want to create opportunities for new trees and planting and have carried out a condition survey of existing trees to help with these plans. Unfortunately, the results show two of the four existing trees by the clock at the junction of Lea Bridge and Markhouse Road have not survived.

    We’ll be removing the two dead trees in the next few weeks and digging trial pits to better understand the conditions of the ground. This will help inform the designs for the space and the type of replacement trees and new plants to be incorporated when we are ready to start delivering the improvements.

    If you have any questions about these works please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing